Project "Revive a Sunnah" Week 12
(2nd-9th of Dhul Hijjah 1427 AH)
From the Ahadith:
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: I observed the Prophet (PBUH) for one month reciting in the two supererogatory Rak`ah of the Fajr prayer Surat Al-Kafirun (No. 109) [in the first Rak`ah], and Surat Al-Ikhlas (No. 112) [in the second Rak`ah].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) recited in the two supererogatory Rak`ah of the Fajr prayer Surat Al-Kafirun (No. 109) [in the first Rak`ah], and Surat Al-Ikhlas (No. 112) [in the second Rak`ah].
Likewise, it is mentioned that the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) would recite the same two surahs in the sunnah of Maghrib prayer.
Ibn Mas'ud says: "I cannot count how many times I heard the Messenger of Allah recite, in the two rak'at after maghrib and in the two rak'at before fajr 'Say: O disbelievers,' and 'Say: He is Allah, the One.'"
[This is related by Ibn Majah and At-Tirmidhi]
(Fiqh us-Sunnah:
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Praise be to Allah and may the blessings be upon the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam).
Wa Salaamu Alaykoum,
Kemal Smajlovic
As Salaamu Alaikum Brother: This is a very nice idea and blog, Alhamdulillah. May Allah (swt) reward you and grant this project success. Ameen.
Al Huda School, At
6:27 PM
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