Project "Revive a Sunnah"

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Project "Revive a Sunnah" Week 13

Week 13: December 29th 2006 - January 5th 2007
(9th-16th of Dhul Hijjah 1427 AH)

I would like to wish everyone a very joyous and happy Eid. May Allah accept from all of us. Ameen. While everyone is celebrating Eid al-Adha with their families/friends, going from house to house, it is without doubt that food will be a part of many of these gatherings.

So, here is the scenario:

You are at your in-laws for the traditional bi-annual Eid Dinner. The food has been prepared and laid out on the buffet table. While everyone’s mouth begins to water, your father-in-law yells out: “OK, everybody. It’s time for Maghrib; let’s pray.” Deep down inside you know that your father-in-law won’t budge with the prayer timing, and you think to yourself: “Maaaaaan…I just want to eat.” The adhan and iqamah are called and everyone prays (as the food gets cold). Don’t ask about everyone’s khushoo' (concentration) during the prayer…everyone’s mind was on the food.

So, what is wrong with this situation? If the food is ready and it is time to pray, should we pray and then eat, or eat and then pray? The answer lies in the sunnah of the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and it is the sunnah to be revived for this week, bi idhni llah.

From the Ahadith:

`Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, "No Salat (prayer) should be performed when the food has been served, nor should it be performed when a person is in need of relieving himself.''

While it is encouraged to offer the prayers at their initial time, there is an exception when the food has been served. This has been explained by our beloved Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and we should obey his command. Therefore, the next time your father-in-law yells out: “Namaz time!” while the food is ready, mention to him the hadith of the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) with regards to this…and make sure you do it with wisdom, insha Allah.

You are most welcome to direct any Feedback/Comments/Suggestions/Nominations to

May Allah reward you all.
Praise be to Allah and may the blessings be upon the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam).

Wa Salaamu Alaykoum,

Kemal Smajlovic