Project "Revive a Sunnah"

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Project "Revive a Sunnah" Week 22

Week 22: March 2nd-9th 2007
(12th-19th of Safar 1428 AH)

Alhumdulillah, we all know that the greatest ayah (verse) in the Qur’an is Ayat al-Kursiy. We also know that for one reason or another, we should recite this ayah after each Fardh prayer. There are those who are always rushing and consequently fail to recite this ayah after the Fardh prayers. Then there are those who recite this ayah after the Fardh prayers without knowing the reward. Finally, there are those who recite this ayah after each Fardh prayer knowing and seeking the reward it carries. Our goal for this week is to shift everyone into the third category, insha Allah. So, what is the reward of reciting Ayat al-Kursiy after each Fardh prayer? Let us take a look from the ahadith.

From the Ahadith:

It was narrated that Abu Umaamah said: “The Messenger of Allaah (sal Allahy alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever recites Aayat al-Kursiy immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.”
[al-Nasaa’i, Ibn Hibbaan, and others]

Allahu Akbar! If this doesn’t entice you to recite Ayat al-Kursiy after each Fardh prayer, then I don’t know what will. The first time I heard this hadith, it sent shivers down my back. Subhan Allah, the hadith is so strong; it really needs no commentary on my part to further encourage everyone.

You are most welcome to direct any Feedback/Comments/Suggestions/Nominations to

May Allah reward you all.
Praise be to Allah and may the blessings be upon the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam).

Wa Salaamu Alaykoum,

Kemal Smajlovic